Surya on a month-long sabbatical with Jo

Surya has taken a month-long sabbatical from his busy work. The talented has gone for a vacation to the USA. He was recently injured while shooting on the sets on Anjaan directed by Lingusamy. The film has Samantha playing the lead role opposite Surya. Almost, 90% of the film’s shooting has been completed and only few portions are left to be shot. The actor was also spotted on April 24 voting with his injured legs in the booth.

“Suriya’s taken a month-long break and is off to the US with his family. Amidst his busy schedule, he ensures that he spends quality time with his children. He usually plans his schedule balancing both his work and family,” says a source. Once he’s back from his vacation, the actor will start shooting Venkat Prabhu’s untitled project to be produced by Studio Green.

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