Surya starts Agaram Training Center for the needy students

Surya’s philanthropic side and his association with Agaram Foundation is well-known. The actor helps the underprivileged and deserving students every year by providing monetary assistance for them. Recently, an award ceremony was organized by Sivakumar and his family to honor the school toppers in the higher secondary examination as part of Sri Sivakumar Education and Charitable Trust.

Speaking at the event Surya said, “Agaram Foundation aims to cater to the educational development of the students who are at the bottom of our socio-economic strata. We are educating 1000 students from the first generation which is only possible with a helping hand from educational institutions.” He also announced that Agaram Foundation is starting a Agaram Training Centre in a two-acre plot near Madhuraanthagam. It was donated by Sai Group Of Institutions and Surya thanked the management for their generous gesture.

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