Carbon Movie Review

Carbon works out as another good outing for Vidaarth, this being his 25th film. Here goes our Carbon Movie Review.

Carbon Movie Review

A stiff yet likable thriller!

Story & Narration
Technical Aspects & Music

Vidaarth’s 25th film in Carbon is an interesting idea turned into a fine thriller, which could have been done with better making.

The film has Shankar (Vidaarth) suffering from a very up-and-down relationship with his father (Marimuthu). Though they dont talk much, there is an underlying relationship between the two. When a freak accident turns Marimuthu to the death bed, Shankar has to bring in a huge load of money to save him. However, Shankar had already seen this happening in his dreams, and the only way to bring things back to normal would be for him to live the day again and again until he finds the killer who crashed into his father in the hit-and-run case.

Director Srinivasan’s script for Carbon is a neat and efficiently penned one that comes with a fair share of surprises, twists and open ends.

But as much as his script is neat and tidy, his narrative and execution tends to be a very basic one that paves way to the usual tropes used by filmmakers for such ideas. Srinivasan’s film uses the make-believe concept to good effect and also has good emotional strokes, but there is not much to grip the viewer and it turns out to be a engaging but not a very engaging film. That’s where some screws could have been tightened to make Carbon a better film.

Vidaarth is superb as usual and delivers a quality performance once again in a role that has a lot of innocence written into it. The film has a neat relationship portrayed between him and his father Marimuthu. Dhanya Balakrishna gets a good role to play and is a part of the romantic interludes with Vidaarth.

Carbon is technically neat, but what could have gained more attention is in how the film could have put together some more meat into its screenplay and made it a thrilling ride on the whole.  Carbon Movie Review by Only Kollywood

Carbon Movie Review Rating: 3/5

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