Ajith, Vijay fans start worldwide mega hashtag war on Twitter

It’s reigning tweets on Twitter courtesy ardent fans of Ilayathalapathy Vijay and Thala Ajith. They have started a world-wide war on Twitter with hashtags ‘‘ and . For starters, Ajith’s Veeram started in Sun TV from 2 PM and Vijay Awards started in Vijay TV at the same time. Vijay won the favorite actor award in Vijay Awards this year and delivered the most emotional speech ever in his career. Fans are fighting it out on Twitter and the TRP break-up for these two programs will be waited with bated breath by everyone.

Both hashtags started trending in India and went on to trend Worldwide for a while. Find below the tweets and few screenshots from analytics**, if you don’t believe it.

Check out the most influential users of the hashtag

influential users vijay

Check out the most influential users of the hashtag

influential users ajith

Top Contributors and the most RTed tweets for

top contributors vijay

Top Contributors and the most RTed tweets for

top contributors ajith

Estimated reach of tweets, accounts reached, exposure and impressions for

estimated reach vijay

Estimated reach of tweets, accounts reached, exposure and impressions for

estimated reach ajith

All-time Top 10 Hashtags related to

hashtags vijay

All-time Top 10 Hashtags related to

hashtags ajith

Top 6 languages used with Indonesian, Finnish etc!

vijay languages

Top 6 languages used with Estonian, Indonesian etc!

ajith languages

Contributors Rank: Most active, highest impact, most popular – Our tweets are the MOST POPULAR!

users vijay hashtag

Contributors Rankings – Highest Impact and Most Popular tweets – 🙂

users haghtags ajith

Total no. of tweets generated. – 23,521 | – 14,541 (till 5.14 PM)

vijay ajith tweets

Top photos shared for the hashtag #VIJAYFavHeroForever

vijay photos

Top photos shared for the hashtag #VEERAM_TheCheckMateFromSunTv

ajith photos

Data Compiled by Surendhar MK

Have doubts? Feel free to Tweet. 


**Disclaimer: The statistics and analytics are subject to tweets generated at a particular point of time. It’s not researched in its entirety since every hashtag has its own life-time.